=================================== Dark Age of Camelot Test Version 1.104 Release Notes General Changes June 3, 2010 ===================================
New Things and Bug Fixes
User Interface * Spell effect Icon changes: o Players may now change the number of rows and columns spell effects displayed on their screen by accessing the in game options menu. o Players may now choose to have spell effects display in the order in which they were cast or in reverse order. o A new slash command has been added to allow players to change the buff display order on the fly. /Bufforder is a toggle, which will change the buff display order from first/last to last/first and vice versa when used. * Quest waypoints will now display correctly when the follow button is used on the map.
Class Changes and Fixes
Assassin * The Damage over Time poisons have had their damage values adjusted as follows: o Level 1 - Minor Lethal Poison - 20s duration, 4s tick - 9 damage / tick o Level 5 - Lesser Lethal Poison - 20s duration, 4s tick - 15 damage / tick o Level 10 - Lethal Poison - 20s duration, 4s tick - 22 damage / tick o Level 15 - Major Lethal Poison - 20s duration, 4s tick - 29 damage / tick o Level 20 - Greater Lethal Poison - 20s duration, 4s tick - 36 damage / tick o Level 25 - Minor Lethal Venom - 20s duration, 4s tick - 43 damage / tick o Level 30 - Lesser Lethal Venom - 20s duration, 4s tick - 50 damage / tick o Level 35 - Major Lethal Venom - 20s duration, 4s tick - 58 damage / tick o Level 40 - Greater Lethal Venom - 20s duration, 4s tick - 65 damage / tick o Level 45 - Insidious Lethal Venom - 20s duration, 4s tick - 72 damage / tick o Level 50 - Lifebane - 20s duration, 4s tick - 79 damage / tick * The special Damage over Time poisons from Keep Chests have had their damage values adjusted as follows: o Level 40 - Weak Essence of Soul Rot - 20s duration, 4s tick - 85 damage / tick o Level 50 - Essence of Soul Rot - 20s duration, 4s tick - 105 damage / tick * A new Debuff Poison has been added. The values for this poison are below: o Level 2 - Minor Hindering Poison - 60s duration - Dexterity Debuff, 18 Dexterity o Level 7 - Lesser Hindering Poison - 60s duration - Dexterity Debuff, 26 Dexterity o Level 12 - Major Hindering Poison - 60s duration - Dexterity Debuff, 35 Dexterity o Level 17 - Greater Hindering Poison - 60s duration - Dexterity Debuff, 44 Dexterity o Level 21 - Minor Inhibiting Poison - 60s duration - Dexterity / Constitution Debuff, 50 Dex / 45 Con o Level 28 - Lesser Inhibiting Poison - 60s duration - Dexterity / Constitution Debuff, 66 Dex / 61 Con o Level 36 - Major Inhibiting Poison - 60s duration - Dexterity / Constitution Debuff, 85 Dex / 81 Con o Level 46 - Greater Inhibiting Poison - 60s duration - Dexterity / Constitution Debuff, 108 Dex / 108 Con * A new Direct Damage poison has been added. This poison will deal damage instantly on the first hit of the weapon and then lingers for 30 seconds, giving the player a 15% chance on hit to re-apply that poison on all melee attacks. The values for this poison are below: o Level 9 - Minor Toxic Poison - 30s duration - 26 damage (Body), 15% chance to re-apply after first hit o Level 14 - Lesser Toxic Poison - 30s duration - 38 damage (Body), 15% chance to re-apply after first hit o Level 19 - Toxic Poison - 30s duration - 49 damage (Body), 15% chance to re-apply after first hit o Level 24 - Major Toxic Poison - 30s duration - 61 damage (Body), 15% chance to re-apply after first hit o Level 29 - Greater Toxic Poison - 30s duration - 73 damage (Body), 15% chance to re-apply after first hit o Level 34 - Minor Toxic Venom - 30s duration - 84 damage (Body), 15% chance to re-apply after first hit o Level 39 - Lesser Toxic Venom - 30s duration - 96 damage (Body), 15% chance to re-apply after first hit o Level 44 - Major Toxic Venom - 30s duration - 107 damage (Body), 15% chance to re-apply after first hit o Level 49 - Greater Toxic Venom - 30s duration - 119 damage (Body), 15% chance to re-apply after first hit * All poison merchants will now sell the new poison types. * The new player poison types have been added to Alchemy trade skill. * Attempting to equip a weapon without at least half of the required Envenom skill of the applied poison will cause the poison to be removed from the weapon.
Camelot Classic World Notes
Darkness Falls * All Albion seal gear has been updated with TOA bonuses. * All Albion gear has had its DPS, AF, and ABS updated to standard levels.
* A new NPC has been added to the Capital cities who will offer to exchange enemy Realm items for players collected from the ML 10 Draco encounter. Look for Ar'lora in Camelot City, Yhecanen in Jordheim, and Sertana in Tir na Nog. These NPC’s can be found near the forge in the central districts.
Quests - Albion * The following quests from the Albion Captain have been replaced with a new quest (PLEASE NOTE: Players who still have the old Quest in their Journal will find that it is still able to be completed.): o The Nature of War o Service to the Realm o Armor Delivery o The Haunted Fort o Filcher Follies.
Quests - Midgard * The following quests from the Midgard Captain have been replaced with a new quest (PLEASE NOTE: Players who still have the old Quest in their Quest Journal will find that it is still able to be completed.): o The Nature of War o Service to the Realm o Arms for the War o Werewolf Warning o Animal Aggression
Quests - Hibernia * The following quests from the Hibernia Captain have been replaced with a new quest (PLEASE NOTE: Players who still have the old Quest in their Quest Journal will find that it is still able to be completed.) o The Nature of War o Service to the Realm o Arms for the War o Zephyr on the Warpath o Grazer Problem
Dungeons * Item drops in the Stonehenge Barrows have been re-itemized. Players will now find higher quality items with additional bonuses dropping from mobs. In addition, new items can be found dropping off the various named mobs in this dungeon. * Item drops in Spindelhalla have been re-itemized. Players will now find higher quality items with additional bonuses dropping from mobs. In addition, new items can be found dropping off the various named mobs in this dungeon. * Item drops in the Coruscating Mine have been re-itemized. Players will now find higher quality items with additional bonuses dropping from mobs. In addition, new items can be found dropping off the various named mobs in this dungeon.
Shrouded Isles World Notes
Albion Monsters * Xanxicar: This monster will now drop new items in addition to the items already available in his hoard.
Midgard Monsters * Nosdoden: This monster will now drop new items in addition to the items already available in his hoard
Hibernia Monsters * Myrddraxis: This monster will now drop new items in addition to the items already available in his hoard.
* A new NPC has been added to the Capital cities who will offer to exchange enemy Realm items for players collected from the ML 10 Draco encounter. Look for Ar'lora in Camelot City, Yhecanen in Jordheim, and Sertana in Tir na Nog. These NPC’s can be found near the forge in the central districts.
1.) Sind hier ML10 items gemeint? 2.) Kann man die items immernoch reparieren (gegen einen neuen im halle der helden tauschen)? 3.) Mit was kann die vom neuen händler kaufen?
Und die Grösse deines Monitors beeinflusst wesentlich deine Ausweichrate
Charunish hat geschrieben:Seh jetzt....damit ist der Bug gemeint, wenn man Mid/Hib ML 10 teile gelootet hat, kann man sie nu umtauschen. Schaaadööö
@Diana : Also ich sehe hier nix von Bug und MId/HIB steht hier auch nix.
Sondern dass in jedem Reich (alb cam, hib tnn, mid jh) jeweils 1 NPC beim zentralen Schmiede steht. Und die Elementare (sowas wie schuppen/seelen) gegen die ml10 Items tauschen kann. Und die Elementare dropen bei ML10 Dungeon und von feindlichen Spieler . Wenn ich es richtig verstanden habe
Und die Grösse deines Monitors beeinflusst wesentlich deine Ausweichrate
Ich finde das mit den Giften viel interessanter. Ich spiel zwar auch Asseln aber das ist nun doch etwas zuviel des guten. Caster waren vorher schon oft ein One-Hit aber mit den Giften sind selbst Tanks verdammt fix runter O.o Nix gegen einen Assel-Love aber das ist etwas übertrieben^^
Charunish hat geschrieben:Seh jetzt....damit ist der Bug gemeint, wenn man Mid/Hib ML 10 teile gelootet hat, kann man sie nu umtauschen. Schaaadööö
@Diana : Also ich sehe hier nix von Bug und MId/HIB steht hier auch nix.
Sondern dass in jedem Reich (alb cam, hib tnn, mid jh) jeweils 1 NPC beim zentralen Schmiede steht. Und die Elementare (sowas wie schuppen/seelen) gegen die ml10 Items tauschen kann. Und die Elementare dropen bei ML10 Dungeon und von feindlichen Spieler . Wenn ich es richtig verstanden habe
Da steht: exchange enemy Realm items for players collected from the ML 10 Draco encounter. Was soviel heißt wie: Zum tausch der feindlichen Items/sachen die beim ML 10 Draco gelootet wurden. Blub
Der wichtigste Punkt ist doch zweifelsohne der hier:
Item drops in the Stonehenge Barrows have been re-itemized. Players will now find higher quality items with additional bonuses dropping from mobs. In addition, new items can be found dropping off the various named mobs in this dungeon.
Teno hat geschrieben:Der wichtigste Punkt ist doch zweifelsohne der hier:
Item drops in the Stonehenge Barrows have been re-itemized. Players will now find higher quality items with additional bonuses dropping from mobs. In addition, new items can be found dropping off the various named mobs in this dungeon.
die buffleiste wurde überarbeitet!!!!!1111einseinselffünfundnochvielevielezahlen
von 3 reihen a 7 icons, wie wie es bisher haben, kann man nun pro reihe 15 buffs/debuffs/chants/etc und das ganze 5mal einblenden lassen
also von 21 angezeigten bis 75!
das minimum sind 7 buffs die angezeigt werden ( eine reihe * 7 icons) , pro reihe geht es dann beliebig hoch bis 15 und halt maximal 5 reihen a 15 icons
das nette ist, das man auch die reinfolge bestimmen kann ( indirekt) mit dem neuen befehl /bufforder werden entweder die timebuffs als erste angezeigt ODER die konzbuffs. wie das mit feindlichen effekten aussieht kann ich atm nicht sagen ( die sind ja zeitbasierend)
UND man brauch eigentlich kein UIupdate, einfach nachdem der patch live gegangen ist mit der atlantisUI einloggen, gewünschte anzahl der buffs einstellen, ausloggen und auf "seine" ui wieder umstellen, der /bufforder befehl geht trotzdem
den rest können sie gerne aus dem patch rauslöschen ..... brauch eh keine sau XD, lieber dem ani LOVE geben
[center]Ein Gaik sie zu knechten,sie alle zu finden, ins Release zu treiben und ewig zu spenden. [/center]
Darkalita hat geschrieben:Ani-Love? Guter Witz^^ Was magst denn haben? Grollis mit Insta-tot-dmg? Ach die gibts ja schon fast^^ Oder laufende Pilze? ;)
Also das mit den Buffs ist toll, vorallem wenn man als Tank klettern will und die Dornen nicht funtzen weil die olle Buffleiste voll ist -.-
zb kein pilzcap im PvM, das wäre zb nen love mit dem jeder leben kann ..... den unterschied zwischen PvM und RvR haben sie ja auch beim ML9 hinbekommen
andere sachen schreibe ich hier nicht rein sonst heißt es ich soll meine realmbrille abnehmen
[center]Ein Gaik sie zu knechten,sie alle zu finden, ins Release zu treiben und ewig zu spenden. [/center]
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