[DaoC] April, April | Zum Glück haben wir es überstanden ;)
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Offline Teno

Hallo, mein Name ist Teno.
Hallo, mein Name ist Teno.

12 10 12

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Mo 19. Jan 2004, 23:55

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Fr 12. Mär 2021, 15:52



 Betreff des Beitrags: [DaoC] April, April | Zum Glück haben wir es überstanden ;)
BeitragVerfasst: Mo 6. Apr 2009, 10:51 

die Amis waren auch wieder ganz lustig drauf und so reiche ich euch mal folgendes nach:


Servers are UP and we are pleased to present to you the patch notes for 1.97b. Enjoy!

Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.97b Release Notes
Classes and Quivers
April 1, 2009


- A new small race option has been added to each realm: the Minitaur. These diminuitive minotaurs, in order to make up for their small stature, have been granted an extra 30 specialization points at character creation and may be any class in the realm in which they are created.

- Players can now journey to other Realms for PvE content. These areas will be considered neutral and will not be open for RvR combat.

- Players may now gain artifact credit for certain artifacts by killing low-level monsters around Cotswold, Mularn, and Mag Mell. However, due to certain limitations, these mobs will only grant credit to players to whom they con Green or Higher.

- - The Following new RvR titles have been added: Door Opponent (100 Doors Destroyed), Door Enemy (1,000 Doors Destroyed), Door Vanquisher (10,000 Doors Destroyed). Additionally, in order to level the playing field for these new titles, all players' RvR kills, solo kills, and relic captures have been reset.

- PvP Ruleset: In order to promote the correct sense of community on Mordred, the /hug and /kiss emotes will now deal 750 damage (Spirit) to the player using them.

- PvE Ruleset: In order to promote the correct sense of community on Gaheris, all instances of the word "damage" have been replaced with the words "frown points."


- Hibernian naturalists in the city of Tir na Nog have run out of the fertilizer that was allowing turrets to grow instantly when cast. As such, all Aninmist turrets will start as level 1 mobs, and will grow slowly to their max level over 45 seconds, at which point they will begin to attack enemy monsters and realm opponents.

- Armsmen may now dual wield polearms.

- Due to complaints about being hard to distinguish in large crowds, Bainshees will now have a large pulsing effect on their character at all times. Additionally, their torch will be permanently enabled, allowing these players to have a much easier time locating their character on the screen.

- All Friars will now start off with a mule at level 1. The mule will level along with the Friar, becoming an extension of the character. Because of this, Friars will be unable to use other mounts.

- Heros may now dual wield large weapons.

- A new charm spell has been added to the Mentalism specialization line. This spell will allow the Mentalist to permanently charm an enemy realm character - this character will be added to the Mentalists' character selection list. The original controlling player will receive a 50% bonus to EXP while leveling a new character.

- Mercenary players may now interact with the Guild of Shadows treasurer to collect back wages for the battles they have fought in. The realm of Albion apologizes for the delay in paying their hired soldiers.

- Soul Quench, the Reaver Realm Rank 5 ability, has had its damage value and radius significantly increased.

- Paladins may now fight from horseback. This ability gives them an extra barrier of defense since the horse will have a chance to deflect 50% of incoming attacks. These brave destriers also come with the ability to bite and kick to help out their righteous companion.

- The growth rate on Perforate Artery has been significantly increased provided that the player is using a two-handed weapon.

- All Skald Chants now require that the player must be using a "Scroll of Battle Hymns" in their 2-handed slot. These scrolls may be crafted using the Fletching tradeskill, although there are plans to add several of these items to the loot tables of monsters in the Catacombs Darkspire Zones.

- All Theurgist summoned pets have been moved to the Baseline spell lists, and the high-end version of these pets will be summoned at 100% of the caster's level.

- Equal opportunity activists in Midgard have successfully won the right for Male Frostalfs to become Valkyries.

- Up to 5 chambers have been added to the Vampiir in the new Shadow Mastery Baseline ability. All five of these chambers may be loaded with up to two claw spells each, at no power cost.


- Dragonsworn leaders in the realms of Albion and Midgard now have a chance to drop arrow quivers when killed. The Dragonsworn leaders in the Realm of Hibernia have taken a stand against such a horrific celebration of the destruction of noble trees to create arrows, and have steadfastly refused to carry them.


Da macht sich ja echt jemand Gedanken ums game.
Sowas könnten die ruhig mal einspielen xD

Offline Merrik

Der Heilige Geist
Der Heilige Geist

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Fr 16. Dez 2005, 17:50

Letzte Anmeldung:
So 15. Jul 2012, 02:18


 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: [DaoC] April, April | Zum Glück haben wir es überstanden ;)
BeitragVerfasst: Mo 6. Apr 2009, 13:06 

- All Theurgist summoned pets have been moved to the Baseline spell lists, and the high-end version of these pets will be summoned at 100% of the caster's level.

wär schon schön..

Offline Teno

Hallo, mein Name ist Teno.
Hallo, mein Name ist Teno.

12 10 12

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PNs: 998
Mo 19. Jan 2004, 23:55

Letzte Anmeldung:
Fr 12. Mär 2021, 15:52



 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: [DaoC] April, April | Zum Glück haben wir es überstanden ;)
BeitragVerfasst: Mo 6. Apr 2009, 13:47 

- Paladins may now fight from horseback. This ability gives them an extra barrier of defense since the horse will have a chance to deflect 50% of incoming attacks. These brave destriers also come with the ability to bite and kick to help out their righteous companion.

- Armsmen may now dual wield polearms.
find ja die beiden toll. Einmal Rambo und einmal Kavallerie ;)

Offline Gotriel

streng gläubiger Priester
streng gläubiger Priester

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Sa 31. Dez 2005, 00:15

Letzte Anmeldung:
Do 25. Okt 2012, 07:58



 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: [DaoC] April, April | Zum Glück haben wir es überstanden ;)
BeitragVerfasst: Di 7. Apr 2009, 14:07 

Teno hat geschrieben:Armsmen
- Armsmen may now dual wield polearms.

- Up to 5 chambers have been added to the Vampiir in the new Shadow Mastery Baseline ability. All five of these chambers may be loaded with up to two claw spells each, at no power cost.

gabs nich irgendwie sonen classreportfutzie bei dem man das mal einreichen könnte? :hula:

Offline Teno

Hallo, mein Name ist Teno.
Hallo, mein Name ist Teno.

12 10 12

Beiträge: 12638
Themen: 2742
Votings: 202
Ratings: 77
Shouts: 951
Bilder: 614
PNs: 998
Mo 19. Jan 2004, 23:55

Letzte Anmeldung:
Fr 12. Mär 2021, 15:52



 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: [DaoC] April, April | Zum Glück haben wir es überstanden ;)
BeitragVerfasst: Di 7. Apr 2009, 14:24 

Als ob ein Vamp noch mehr power bräuchte, pffft -.-

Beim Waffel wärs aber cool inkl. "finishing move" -> rammt die erste Pole in den Gegner, hüpft hinauf auf die Pole und haut mit der 2ten Pole den Kopf des Trolls weg :D

(nur beim Luri würds da Platzprobleme geben bzw. der Luri würde wie bei einem Katapult abfliegen, sobald die Waffel auf die Pole hüpft/steigt)

Offline Gotriel

streng gläubiger Priester
streng gläubiger Priester

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Beiträge: 2057
Themen: 105
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PNs: 40
Sa 31. Dez 2005, 00:15

Letzte Anmeldung:
Do 25. Okt 2012, 07:58



 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: [DaoC] April, April | Zum Glück haben wir es überstanden ;)
BeitragVerfasst: Mi 8. Apr 2009, 01:07 

den move haste aus irgendeinem spiel oder?^^

mir fällt der name nicht ein :panik:

oder du bist heimlicher lumberjack (?) fan hrhr

Offline Teno

Hallo, mein Name ist Teno.
Hallo, mein Name ist Teno.

12 10 12

Beiträge: 12638
Themen: 2742
Votings: 202
Ratings: 77
Shouts: 951
Bilder: 614
PNs: 998
Mo 19. Jan 2004, 23:55

Letzte Anmeldung:
Fr 12. Mär 2021, 15:52



 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: [DaoC] April, April | Zum Glück haben wir es überstanden ;)
BeitragVerfasst: Mi 8. Apr 2009, 08:27 

Gotriel hat geschrieben:den move haste aus irgendeinem spiel oder?^^

mir fällt der name nicht ein :panik:

oder du bist heimlicher lumberjack (?) fan hrhr

Mortal Combat und Holz hacken ist auch cool :P

Offline Sarcil

tapferer Duellant
tapferer Duellant

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Sa 17. Jan 2009, 20:25

Letzte Anmeldung:
Do 1. Okt 2009, 14:41

Zürich - Schweiz


 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: [DaoC] April, April | Zum Glück haben wir es überstanden ;)
BeitragVerfasst: Mi 8. Apr 2009, 14:21 

Teno hat geschrieben:
Gotriel hat geschrieben:den move haste aus irgendeinem spiel oder?^^

mir fällt der name nicht ein :panik:

oder du bist heimlicher lumberjack (?) fan hrhr

Mortal Combat und Holz hacken ist auch cool :P

In Age of conan ging das. Meine Assel ist immer auf die Schultern des Gegners gestiegen, hat die Klingen vor dem Hals des Gegners gekreuzt und SPLASH!

Offline Gotriel

streng gläubiger Priester
streng gläubiger Priester

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PNs: 40
Sa 31. Dez 2005, 00:15

Letzte Anmeldung:
Do 25. Okt 2012, 07:58



 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: [DaoC] April, April | Zum Glück haben wir es überstanden ;)
BeitragVerfasst: Mi 8. Apr 2009, 17:37 

grad gesehen bei god of war gibts auch sonen move, allerdings bei nem ~5meter großem zentauren^^

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