[RitD] Rumble in the DesertThe story begins when the adventurer McDonald was called to the church of Camelot.
There he met Sacrifici, the leader of some kind of brotherhood, which seemed to set itself the goal to change the balance of power in Camelot and to bring the people a better life.
Sacrifice has a new task for McDonald.
He sends him to the desert of Atum, from where he should had to the Pyramid of Atum. There he shall find an artifact, which is of a great value for the brotherhood.
McDonald takes on the mission and begins his journey.

Once he arrives the Port of Stygia, McDonald is first deeply moved by the culture switch. Stuff like lark's tongues, wrens livers, chaffinch brains and stuffed jaguars earlobes were offered by traders as a delicacy. A little later on, McDonald is accosted by a Saracen. It seems like he was paid by the Brotherhood to lead McDonald to the pyramid, where he shall find the artifact. At the breake of down the two of them head to Atum.
When he reached the pyramid McDonald is first full of enthusiasm and pleasant anticipation, but he quickly realized that he and his companion are not alone. When he tried to flee with his helper, he got stopped by him. McDonald got caught into a trap.
The Sarecens do not kill him, but confront him with the Pharaoh, who came out from inside of the pyramid.
The Pharaoh face McDonald and let him know, that he evaluates his appearance as a sign of disrespect on the part of Camelot. As a proof that no one can match him and Camelot's poor-spirited activities are doomed, he provokes Camelot to face him in a battle tournament. The best of them gets the chance to face the Pharaoh in a direct duel for disputing his title.
The Pharaoh sent one of his most loyal servants to take this message to Camelot.
This is the beginning of the Rumble in the Desert battle tournament.