Mythicler berichtet über künftige Änderungen
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Offline Teno

Hallo, mein Name ist Teno.
Hallo, mein Name ist Teno.

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Mo 19. Jan 2004, 23:55

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Mythicler berichtet über künftige Änderungen
BeitragVerfasst: Mo 10. Jan 2011, 12:47 ... 4270854/p3
I suppose I should have been a little more clear in asking for questions regarding the RA revamp, or other items related to it. I want you all to know, that we read all the feedback, we read the boards, we pay attention to what our players tell and ask of us. As a designer I need to focus on that, the design for Camelot. I wish I had the time to respond and discuss every thread I read, though if I did that, with all the varying opinions and passionate stances you guys take, my job would become full time board poster and that would be one less person working on Camelot. That being said I will answer the questions you have posed to me.

In an unrelated question, are you looking into the Cathal Valley encounter on Gaheris not resetting properly when killed?
I was not aware the encounter was working improperly. Any further details you can provide would be helpful.

What about World Cluster? Why do you keep ignoring all questions concering EU/US Cluster?

This is a question for our production team, not for me to answer. I can tell you, it is being looked into. As mentioned in previous producers letters, we are working on technology for a Multilingual server, that would help such a move. We also would need to look into a Queing system if we were to do a “world cluster”, Other factors such as population balance and so on. This is not as simple as flipping a switch and making it happen or I assure you it would have be done already . I have to stress at this point, that I can't answer any more than that, it's not my place to do so.

How much time and resources would it take and/or are they even possible,for these sugg's,that would improve gameplay tenfold,imo;

1-Cut the time in the boat in NF in half.

2-Allow 2 realms in DF at all times.(or last realm gets 24 hours or something).

3-Put npc buffers in the BG's.

4-Increase buff pots to last an hour or make champ buffs better.

These changes are indeed possible, and they are suggestions I will take back to the team. That being said some of them change balance/mechanics of the game more than others in that list. I will give you my opinions on each below. Remember these are opinions and when I bring them up with the team, they will be discussed at length for viability.

Aside from a few pet class issues that would present itself with boating times being made faster, it would also change a dynamic in the frontiers. Waiting for action may be a “bad” factor for RvR but that being said it also adds risk. When I play Camelot I get a rush of adrenaline when I go into combat. Part of that rush is knowing there are consequences if I die, some of them being that time I have to spend before getting back into battle. Again it may be a “bad” risk factor to have in a game, however it also lends quite a good deal to the game in my opinion. The old frontiers as I saw them were more tightly bound by a community. Assassins spying, passing intel, groups circling near each other, people asking for help/rez's. A lot of it because no one wanted to sit on the darn pad and wait 1-9 minutes to be ported back over. God forbid if you didn’t do a neck check! It's something we will evaluate and continue to evaluate and if we find it a negative factor to the risk in RvR we will change it.

As for allowing more realms into DF, our latest event the Demonic Invasion has put other ways to gain access to DF. That being said, Labyrinth is available to all realms at all times as an alternative RvR Dungeon, PoC is another. DF Has a special dynamic to it, as mentioned above, more risk. If you die in DF without having it, your out and either taking towers or waiting to get back in. I think that’s what a lot of the appeal is for me personally about DF. Killing people when I know I'm boned if I get killed. It adds a certain satisfaction into doing a successful DF run. We've had some talk about increasing that risk rather then decreasing it. Pushing DF back onto Keep control rather than tower control. That's something in discussion, so please feel free to add your own opinion on it.

NPC buffs in BG's? We've just added a slew of quests through the BG to streamline lower level players into RvR and allow them to collect comparable gear etc. I see no problem with BG buffers.
Champion buffs are a subject of conversation in studio as well at the moment. More so also are the other champion abilities and making them more useful. It;'s something we are working on. As for buff pots lasting longer. Buff pots are an economy builder, and that’s something that's a lot harder to balance than just a timer. I'd have to look into the economy surrounding pots and get a better idea for it before I can answer that question.

I thought daoc never used decimals for time values in seconds. Always seems to round up or down.

Camelot uses tenths of a second. Casting times and a lot of timers that are altered by stats are altered in increments of tenths of a second. 2.5 will be 2.5 seconds .

Any information potential updates/changes to some of the less than useful RR5's some classes have? Enchanter, necromancer, and wizard come to mind. There may be some others. I'm not asking specifically what changes there are, but simply if they are being looked into.

Yes, they are indeed being looked into. Every RR5 was looked at this version, and the ones known to be less than helpful are being updated.

Can't you just leave it as it is, and fix the rest of the bugs that are in game? Such as Legendary Bows, Lag Ghosting etc.

As mentioned in the Producers letter, we are adding fix's for Lag Ghosting this version. Legendary bows have been brought to our attention, but with the change into New archery and changes to the legendary bows, we need code to make the proper fix's for it. That being said it is on our list, however lag ghosting, multilingual servers, and a slew of other items needing code have taken priority. It's not easy for me to say that, however it is the truth. I can say they will be addressed and we are aware of them.

As for other bugs, all I can do is ask that you provide feedback on our Herald. We are aware of many many bugs, and try to prioritize them accordingly. Our first effort is a fun and seamless play experience. If there is something stopping you from enjoying your time on Camelot, please let us know.

There is a difference between content fix's and code fix's. We try to make no secret of running on a smaller team than Camelot has had in it's past. Fix's for server performance, lag, lag ghosting, cheats/hacks, and other sever bugs do take a priority, again I stress, if there is a bug that is severely impacting your gameplay and fun playing Camelot, feedback is important, and will impact our prioritization of bugs, content or code.

I want to thank you all for your comments so far.

~Adam Coleman
Senior Designer
Dark Age of Camelot
Mythic Entertainment

Offline Wiccarones

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Mi 15. Dez 2010, 16:08

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Mythicler berichtet über künftige Änderungen
BeitragVerfasst: Mo 10. Jan 2011, 19:33 

Ok....irgendwie nichts wirklich Neues, oder? Obwohl ich die Idee mit den Reichsbuffern in den BGs super finde, selbst heutzutage hat nicht jeder einen BB zur Verfügung. Was ich bisher nie verstanden habe, warum gibt es bei den Reichsbuffern eigentlich keinen Haste als Spec-Buff, aber egal....ich muss nicht alles verstehen :P

Obwohl ich ja mal sagen muss, so langsam könnten sie mal ein paar Infos bezüglich des Weltclusters rausrücken. Irgendwie ist dieses Ungewisse nicht wirklich dazu angetan, neue Spieler ins Spiel zu locken. Obwohl ich mich wundere, dass es immer noch Spieler gibt die neu dazukommen, aber es könnten mehr sein :grins:

Df für alle Reiche zu öffnen, würde ich persönlich sch**ße finden, das macht den Reiz von DF kaputt. Ich finde es immer irgendwie etwas besonderes durch DF zu laufen. Und Coleman hat recht, wenn er sagt, das Laby sei als riesiger RVR-Dungeon für alle Reiche offen, es müssten nur mal wieder Spieler dort hingehen^^. DF sollte bleiben was es ist.

LG Ulli

Hätte man bei der Erschaffung der Welt eine Kommission eingesetzt, dann wäre sie heute noch nicht fertig. (Sir Bernhard Shaw)
Offline Penda*

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Do 7. Okt 2010, 21:42

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Mythicler berichtet über künftige Änderungen
BeitragVerfasst: Mo 10. Jan 2011, 23:36 

^^ kann das bitte jemand in kurzform auf de. einstellen ? ^^

Bild <<>>Bild
WOW SUCKS, aber ist mal was anderes o_O
Offline Teno

Hallo, mein Name ist Teno.
Hallo, mein Name ist Teno.

14 6 10

Mo 19. Jan 2004, 23:55

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Mi 15. Jul 2015, 19:14


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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Mythicler berichtet über künftige Änderungen
BeitragVerfasst: Mo 10. Jan 2011, 23:40 

Hibinc hat geschrieben:^^ kann das bitte jemand in kurzform auf de. einstellen ? ^^

einfach n stück rutnerscrollen und den text automatisch übersetzen lassen.
Sicherlich nicht 1A aber es sollte eigentlich ausreichen um hier etwas zu verstehen.

Offline Gaik

Nobelpreisträger für Literatur
Nobelpreisträger für Literatur

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Mi 2. Jun 2010, 21:53

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Mo 12. Mär 2012, 02:35

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Mythicler berichtet über künftige Änderungen
BeitragVerfasst: Di 11. Jan 2011, 03:25 

df perma für alle? nein danke, wir haben schon dat laby, DF ist immer noch wat anderes .....

I need Worldcluster ...... der rest ist ladde und blödes blablabla .... die labern mehr als nen politiker und es kommt noch weniger dabei raus .... graatz mythic

[center]Ein Gaik sie zu knechten,sie alle zu finden,
ins Release zu treiben und ewig zu spenden.
Offline Mr.Keating

Der Messiahs
Der Messiahs

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Fr 2. Jun 2006, 15:46

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Mythicler berichtet über künftige Änderungen
BeitragVerfasst: Di 11. Jan 2011, 12:49 

Gaik hat geschrieben:df perma für alle? nein danke, wir haben schon dat laby, DF ist immer noch wat anderes .....

I need Worldcluster ...... der rest ist ladde und blödes blablabla .... die labern mehr als nen politiker und es kommt noch weniger dabei raus .... graatz mythic

DF soll nicht perma für alle sein, sondern immer blos für 2 Fraktionen zugänglich und wieso sollte überhaupt der Worldcluster kommen ?

Die sollen lieber den Transfer nach Ywain freigeben.. Am WE waren im Schnitt 3K-3,2K online, da ist jetzt Platz genug für die Nachzügler...

Aus "Der Dunkle Turm" :
Dann geh´ , es gibt andere Welten als diese.

Aus "Walden":
„Ich ging in die Wälder, denn ich wollte bewusst leben. Das Mark des Lebens in mich aufsaugen , damit ich nicht in der Todesstunde innewürde, dass ich gar nicht gelebt hatte"

"Nichts ist der Lauf der Zeit verglichen mit der Ewigkeit eines Augenblickes"


Offline Ciresh


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So 4. Jun 2006, 03:03

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Mythicler berichtet über künftige Änderungen
BeitragVerfasst: Di 11. Jan 2011, 17:41 

Die Ywain Zahlen sind ja auch schon rückläufig....
Im gegensatz zu den EU Zahlen...

Am Ende wird Ywain zu uns transferiert :hypno:

Offline Mr.Keating

Der Messiahs
Der Messiahs

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Fr 2. Jun 2006, 15:46

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So 9. Sep 2012, 22:34


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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Mythicler berichtet über künftige Änderungen
BeitragVerfasst: Di 11. Jan 2011, 21:29 

Ciresh hat geschrieben:Die Ywain Zahlen sind ja auch schon rückläufig....
Im gegensatz zu den EU Zahlen...

Am Ende wird Ywain zu uns transferiert :hypno:

Das erinnert mich an Julians Sommerlochtheorien :redgrins:

Aus "Der Dunkle Turm" :
Dann geh´ , es gibt andere Welten als diese.

Aus "Walden":
„Ich ging in die Wälder, denn ich wollte bewusst leben. Das Mark des Lebens in mich aufsaugen , damit ich nicht in der Todesstunde innewürde, dass ich gar nicht gelebt hatte"

"Nichts ist der Lauf der Zeit verglichen mit der Ewigkeit eines Augenblickes"


Offline Uryth

Hochbegabter Schreiberling
Hochbegabter Schreiberling

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Sa 20. Nov 2010, 18:30

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Mo 18. Apr 2011, 12:45

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Mythicler berichtet über künftige Änderungen
BeitragVerfasst: Do 13. Jan 2011, 13:45 

Für die Unwissenden wie mich: Damit dürfte der Rassa-Spot doch quasi nicht mehr zum leveln oder farmen taugen oder? :hmm:

"Tenos Patch 1.08 Preview":

* Adjusted the Master Level 1.7 Encounter increasing the duration that the activation pads remain active once a player steps off.

Auf Hib habe ich die Chars die ich spielen will auf 50, aber für den Fall, dass das stimmt, kann man ja in anderen Realms schon mal auf "Vorrat" leveln :zwink:

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